6th January, 2017

The cold waves kept dashing at our feet, each one moving a bit of the soft sand beneath. I held his hand firmly and looked at the infinity ahead. The sky looked surreal as the brightest star started disappearing below the horizon.
“It feels so good here,” I said gleefully. The wind kept gushing around us, as we both stood there silently for a while. Time felt frozen, literally.
I love indulging into simple pleasures of life, where insignificant moments turn into beautiful experiences. Truly, they have the power of contenting your heart with unrivalled happiness.

                                                   - Anam Sohail


1st January, 2017

We stood right next to each other, looking up at the sky lit with fireworks. It looked absolutely majestic. The enthusiastic bunch of people around us cheered for the beginning of another new year.
“It’s an important year for us,” I whispered, moving closer to him. “Yeah,” he replied smilingly, without shifting his gaze. Words did not flow, but feelings did. Subtle expressions replaced the ever-powerful speech.
Sometimes, silences are so comforting.

- Anam Sohail


14th November, 2016

Throughout my two-hour long and rather mundane drive from Jebel Ali to Ajman today, I was gasping at the enviable beauty of the super-moon. It had never appeared to be so enormous and illuminous.
It's glory had impeccably lit up the never-ending sky, making it look unusually magical. Indeed some views are soul-stirring and priceless!
                                                   - Anam Sohail

The Power Of Peace

Famished are people for intrinsic needs.
Some for love, lust and their conjoined greeds.

There is one whose deficiency causes destruction at ease.
An eternal requisite - we call it Peace!

- Anam Sohail 

A Rainy Day

A random note written in my diary, dedicated to the amazing weather in Dubai today.

"And the darker clouds enveloped the immensely beautiful sky, veiling the brightest star underneath.
The deafening roar of the crooked silver lines, ripped the clouds apart.
The dessert drenched in all its beauty yet again!"

- Anam Sohail

A Letter To The Love Of My Life

Dear Tohu,
I have expressed my love and feelings to you a zillion times in peculiar ways. And today, through this letter, I just want to remind you once again in an eternity that you are the most special person in my life.
Seriously, I am still skeptical of my ability to love someone so intensely! I can never thank God enough for bringing you into this world and my life. I just cannot think of enduring without you even when I am mad at you, even when you shoot loud farts and flavorsome burps and even when you drool while sleeping!
You have been my robust support system, caring uncompromisingly and loving me unconditionally. I envy your ease at making friends, your penchant for finding good in everyone and your propensity to look at the brighter side of everything. Life has been kind enough to bless me with you!
Thank you for making me feel beautiful and holding me on even in the darkest times. Thank you for fathoming me when I am unable to speak my mind, for the effortless conversations and comforting silences. Thank you for standing strong when I am feeble, convincing me when I doubt myself and dealing with all my tantrums. Thank you for the endless laughter, sharing all the happiness and giving me some wonderful memories to cherish.
I love you way too much, beyond your imagination!
                                                  Yours Forever,
                                                   - Anam Sohail

The Big Brand Obsession

     Obsession is a term in vogue these days. Look around and you will find this rampant disorder being conjuncted to as good as everything. Eye-catching amongst the many is THE BIG BRAND OBSESSION!
     Tote up the number of brands that we are environed by and you will realise their ubiquitous influence. And the gospel truth that we are all taken over by them is irrefutable! In fact, our civilization is metamorphosed to such an orbit that the very essence of brands has transposed from luxury to necessity.
     No doubt, the invincible quality served by brands, fused with singularity and longevity, remains the underlying reason for people to splurge. But the more apparent cause of people giving into the sheer opulence of brands is the social status allied with them. Mass westernization,  celebrity culture, media hype, peer pressure and augmenting fashion interest attribute further to this swanky obsession. Nothing can match the stature of a phone with a bitten apple on its back or a bag with the letters LV printed all over it!
     There is absolutely nothing wrong in being a part of this goofy trend for the right reasons. The point of perplexity lies wherein people deprive themselves of intrinsic needs for the sake of being pleased with these excesses. Nevertheless, the prowess of brands has magnified enough to be impinged by such cognized facts. So all we can do is admire the example of efficacy set by these symbols of sophistication in carving their niche and enticing the cult of followers!
-Anam Sohail